Friday, July 22, 2011


The forces at work in family life are incredible. There can be push and pull and everything in between. Our Ben is gone working this summer and will head off to college soon! That leaves things a little different in our home:) No longer do I need to worry about pushing him on to do something good with his time, now Mike has slipped into that role. And Lauren is trying to break the mold of being in the middle--still mostly all about her though:) The house is devoid of that fun laugh and big hugs and we miss him! He is at a BSA summer camp teaching scouts merit badges on the lake such as swimming and sailing. He called the other day and relayed a bit about what he was doing and what he said made his Dad and I so proud. He had a very full week of scouts and about 50 doing sailing which is so many at a time that he and his instructor partner divided them in half because all couldn't sail at the same time. At this particular part of the camp the beach is near the doctor and his/her family that come for the week to volunteer their time and service. Well Ben and his staff were asked to take them out for an afternoon sail amidst this surplus of scout sailors! His staff partner lamented to Ben that they couldn't possibly fit them in to which Ben replied that indeed they could and would fit them in! That's our Ben--the best versions of us shining through! Tim would do for anyone at anytime and I have taught him that nothing is impossible. Those are some pretty powerful forces at work that can pass on attitudes like that.
We are so grateful that he has been able to attend church up in Bemidji and spend part of each weekend with Ken and Shirley and their good family. I was at a Time Out for Women seminar this Spring when I visited with Shirley(my YW leader as a youth:) again and told her Ben would be coming up there and not sure that he could get to church. She told me right away that she would be happy to get him and have them stay with him. What a tender mercy that was and is! He has had wonderful visits with them and he has called to say how much he loves them! That is the most powerful force of all and he is sooo good at loving. It meant so much to him that his grandparents and most of my siblings came out with their families for his graduation.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

You will have to make your blog into a book, if you haven't done that yet. I love all the pictures!