Thursday, June 25, 2009

Going to see my sisters

I love visiting with my sisters. Now that we are old enough to enjoy each other, the visits we get are so fun. Love them! So here is a little preview of gifts I am bearing as I come:) Can't wait!!!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

June is such a busy month

June is always so busy for us. The winding down of school and that busy schedule gets replaced with a more relaxed but still project-oriented busy, esp. outdoor projects. This year Lauren wanted to lay a patio and have it done for Father's Day. My birthday fell in the middle of the two week span she devoted to the project from planning, buying and assembly. So we squeezed some fun in there for that too! So here are some before, during and after photos.

Surrey bike rental and sling-shot for Mike(he wants one of these real bad!!)

The work continues . . . she enlists more helpers!

And FINISHED for lunch on Father's Day.

Ben spent all week putting the grill together:)

Complete with tiki torches that she had drawn into the plans at the start!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dads at home

Two or three Dads in my neighborhood that I know of are staying home this summer with their kids. Two have lost their jobs in the last several months. These are tough times, but I see both making "lemonade" with their situation. One just had a newborn baby 2 weeks ago and he will be home with his baby. I hope he knows that time will not be a regret. And the other has a 9 year old that just said to me last night that she is looking forward to being around to play with the kids more because she won't have to go to the summer day care program. He also has a 15 month baby. I hope both men know what value that have at home and around the neighborhood too.
My Dad was home with us when I was elementary school age and those are fond memories I have. Some playing around the house and watching Sesame Street together and a few field trip places. All of it are memories of being together with my Dad that I don't think any kid would regret. Maybe I will get a chance to tell them that. I think I have with my Dad. Do they know how just really coool they are! Wonderful times:)

Monday, June 1, 2009

happy day

Lauren and I just went over to the Mall and got ourselves some of these to celebrate my happy news from my doctor. A few weeks ago, my doctor said the words no woman wants to hear, "have you felt this lump?" as he was examining my breast on regular yearly exam visit. That moment was a little surreal at the time and I wasn't shocked until later esp. when I told my husband when I got home and he freaked out! A mammogram and ultrasound later with no definitive answer we saw another doctor to discuss biopsy/removal or watching and waiting. We opted to remove and test so today I found out from my doctor that nothing was abnormal in it soooo big sigh of relief and hence the treat of chocolates!!!!! Lauren was pretty worried like her Dad and I was resolved to deal with what I needed to, but I had a good feeling all along. Moments of contemplating your own mortality in a serious way like this affect people differently. I was happy with everything I have done in my life and have no major regrets. I definitely have more I want to do yet and am grateful for delicious chocolates:)