Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Promised pix

Fam, here are pictures I promised to post. Lauren in her dress I picked up at Marshall's in 15 minutes flat--didn't I do good picking out the layers?!! Quite proud of myself as I am the sibling with the least amount of fashion sense:) And here is Mikey with his science fair project. I should have him blog about what he learned about periscopes. And I am going to try to attach a clip of Ben's band concert from last week. I wonder if Kai recognizes the song?!!!! Feel free to add the basic head bob as you listen along with Ben:)



When we were visiting the eagles, Michael begged and pleaded for a puzzle. He said it will be great fun to do together and we will bond while we do it. The little bonder has put maybe two pieces in, always has something else to do plus it is a little difficult. BUT he loves to buy things and played on my weakness for a good puzzle! I don't know why I like them so much--challenge, satisfaction, discovery? I like to do them while talking on the phone, little time filler when needed. So here it is almost done. This one I think I will frame for his room and he can think of me!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The great North American flyway

It's that time of year when the birds start to migrate back up north and we live in a perfect spot for viewing! The month of March can be cold but I brave the cold and wind to snap as many shots of birds as I can. Last year I took several days at the pond close to our house right smack in the middle of the city as we are and got several great shots of loons dancing and several different species of ducks.

This year Michael and I started the bird watching(he is my bird watching wing-man and fishing buddy) by taking a trip to the National Eagle Center in Wabasha. We had a great time driving down listening to several mystery books on tape and we got some shots of some eagles!