Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lauren's backyard summer projects

This girl is doing every bit as much as Ben did for his Eagle project! Way to go Lauren:)
Remember to hit the button to the top right to view in full screen--easier to read


Holt Fam said...

Oh my gosh bre it is beautiful, It looks like something out of a home makeover show. She is such and amazing girl and you're so great to help her and teach her how to work hard for something she wants. Awesome, it is truly beautiful. Hopefully we can make it up sometime to really appreciate it!

Weston, Deanna, & Cohen said...

HOlY Crap! She's got some real talent. That's so awesome that she put all that together in her mind and then did it. I so don't have that kind of talent. What a big job. That's awesome. Oh and the scrapbook was way cute :)

andalucy said...

Well! I am just completely blown away by Miss Lauren. Way to go!!!

Beautiful hues and sweeping curves, indeed!

Brenda, I can't find your email address. Can you email me it? If you have mine? :-)