Monday, February 9, 2009

Birds and Bees

Well, I hit THAT milestone with the youngest this weekend. He was shown a video on puberty on Friday in 4th grade. Lots of questions erupted, his brain was a movin' all weekend long! "When will this happen to me? How many sperm will I have? What does it look like when it comes out of me and when will it? So did you and Dad just have S-E-X three times? (I was ready for that one because I've done this before!) What is the purpose/reason for pubic hair? When will I get hair on my chest? When is puberty done? What do sperm look like? How quickly do they regenerate? What causes them to die? What age did Dad start puberty, because the video said that is when I will too? Have humans ever had S-E-X with animals?(my eyeballs just about popped out of their sockets on that one!) What are hormones and how do they work? Yes this was only a few of the questions and many were asked multiple times as he was trying to grasp it all and luckily his Dad got home toward the end of the 2 hour inquisition and he could answer some of the more technical ones. Why do girls have all the eggs when born but boys don't make sperm until puberty? How many will I have and how many will come out at a time and what happens when they are malformed?" He does approach life with a scientific outlook so I should have been prepared for the deluge but alas I was a bit overwhelmed with the intensity.
ANYWAY, that's what my weekend was about! And other than that late night intersection I haven't been able to reconnect with Tim as he is working solid until we leave for Valentine wknd(no that's not too much info, I didn't mean THAT!) Looking forward to this weekend!!!!!!!!


andalucy said...

Reading this just made my stomach turn. The older two never peppered us with questions, but I can see #3 doing exactly this. I'm going to make sure it's his dad who has to answer all that since it was mostly me who talked with the girls.

Holt Fam said...

oh my gosh! I am laughing out loud, Poor you! I can definately wait on that one, Love ya, good luck with all that! See ya this weekend! You rock! -H

Kristen said...

Can I send my girls to your house when it is time for them to have those classes? I like being able to answer those questions from a scientific perspective! I remember my mind spinning after those classes also!

Jan said...

WOW, Bre0---glad it's you and not me!!! Love, Mom!

Brenda said...

Yes, get yourself ready Calandria! And I highly recommend the dad thing:)
Kris, you probably have one more grade to go and then you are right there too--you will do fine!! Guess what, (topic change)Ben wants to go into education!! He is teaching a 2nd grader neighbor to play guitar and he really likes it.

Brenda said...

Late night intersection. OK, that works for me.

Joe was asking me questions too. Must be the age. He was more interested in the DNA aspect and how he is 1/2 William's and 1/2 mine. Thankfully, we got to church for cubs just in time to cut off more questions! Whew! Yes, I know you're going to say it's not over with this kid. ~~~~Brenda